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Prince Hall (1735-1807) was the organizer and founder of Masonry among men of Color.  Thought to have been born in Barbados around 1735, he first worked as a leather-dresser, later as a laborer by day and studying at night.  He educated himself and became a leader in the efforts to eliminate slavery and bring about a stronger unified people.  He was instrumental in freeing many slaves.  He was an abolitionist and a patriot, as he volunteered to fight in the American Revolution and was later accepted in the Continental Army led by George Washington.  After the war, Prince Hall continued the struggle for equal rights.  He established a school in his own home.  Hall was initiated as a Mason in 1775 by John Batt of Irish Lodge No. 441.  John Rowe, Provisional Grand Master, authorized Hall to form African Lodge No. 1.  Later on after the war, they were granted a Charter from the Grand Lodge of England as African Lodge No. 459 and Hall was the Worshipful Master.  Thus was the beginning of Prince Hall Masonry.


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